Think like a hacker

Data de la notícia: 04-07-2022
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Jens Myrup Pedersen, professor de ciberseguretat de la Universitat de Aalborg presenta la conferencia/taller Think like a hacker

Dimecres que ve 6 de juliol, en la Sala d'actes de l'Escola Politècnica Superior (Edifici Politècnica I) a les 11:30h tindrà lloc, a càrrec del professor Jens Myrup Pedersen la conferencia/taller  “Think like a hacker”, la conferència serà transmesa per videostreaming a través de la pàgina web:
En la segona part de la xarrada, passats 45 minuts, els assistents tindran l'oportunitat, amb l'ús dels seus ordinadors portàtils d'aprendre o millorar les seues habilitats de hacking en un entorn tancat i segur.
Per a aquells assistents que no puguen accedir amb els seus ordinadors portàtils, s'habilitarà el laboratori L01, pròxim a la sala d'actes, en el mateix edifici.

About the speaker
Jens Myrup Pedersen is Professor in cyber security at Aalborg University, where he is heading the cyber security research group. His research interests are mainly in network security, including network-based detection of malicious activity and the design of virtual environments for data generation and security training. Following this, he is one of the main forces behind the cyber training platform, Haaukins. In addition to his research, he is coordinating Aalborg University’s master's programme in cyber security and is the head coach for the national Danish cyber security team.
Topic: Think like a hacker
To protect yourself, you need to understand the mindset of the attackers. In this talk we will discuss different groups of attackers, their motivations and abilities, and study some interesting examples of attacks. There will also be demonstration of some common tools and techniques.
After 45 minutes of presentation and discussions, the participants will have the chance to learn or improve their hacking skills in a closed and secure environment. There are challenges from "very beginner" to "very advanced", so that everyone is welcome. You can earn points and flags and compete with your friends and colleagues, and if you haven't tried anything like this before we will learn you the drill. You only need to bring a computer, since everything is running in a web-browser!

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